Hey bloggers , how have you been? I hope you have missed us as much as we have missed you? Well we are back with a vengeance. Thanks and thanks again to everyone who suggested movies. Boy oh boy!!!! did I get my fix. I mean you guys took it way back, Titanic, When Harry met Sally, Sleepless in Seattle, even Love Jones c'mon folks. But this lady got her fixing and is still getting her fixing. I was hoping though to see some unique romantic movies like Terminator, 300, Tristan and Isolde, Ghost. Wow you guys forgot Ghost, that movie made me love the Chain melody.
Anyhow I know you want to know who won the basket? Well after the tally went in, the basket goes to Femi G. CONGRATS hon on your fabulous win and trust me it is uber fab. Femi recommended 12 movies but we take it down to 11 because she and Cellina recommended te sdame movie; City of Angels, so that cancels out that movie and brought her total movies recommended to 11, which is 3 more than Cellina who came in a close 2nd.
Ms. Femi G, please email us directly to claim your prize. In the meantime we attached some pictures of your basket, just to whet your appetite. Enjoy your gift and feel free to come back and give us feedback on the contents (wink).
On another note, we are coming to the end of a very busy event season and believe you me I can't wait to share pictures. Well while we are waiting, we will be sharing pictures next week from our super amazing wedding last year; Sarah and Glen. Trust me you want to see this, their wedding was so beautiful and full of amazing details and floral, so stay tuned.
Hello Bloggies, I can't believe it is August already. 4 more months and we are into 2011, wow, wow, wow!!!! Well we are grateful for the many events we have been a part of this year and believe me it's not over. I know, I know, you are all itching for photos. Well ... so are we. LOL!!! Event season can be crazy and all our photog friends are working on editing images and getting us the best pictures to feature on the blog. In the meantime, I certainly would post pictures from our camera of some of our events. This week I would post pictures from our Romantic Affair in the City.
Speaking of romance though: Ladies I am in need of a good romantic fix!!!!!!! Oh yes I am. We are all hopeless romantics at heart, that is why we are constantly searching out wedding blogs and wedding stories. Ladies you know what I am talking about. Living vicariously through the pages of steamy romantic novels - back in my days it wasMills and Boons and Harlequin. OWN IT.
So I thought I would test your romantic skills - yeah show me what you got ladies. This month's giveaway is going to be fantastic!!!!! Our very own in house romance connoisseur; Natalie Jacobs of FAB Designs, has prepared a customized basket filled with all the fixings of a romantic getaway just for you: Bubble bath, Chocolates, Scented candles, your own personalized satin robe and more. I personally want this basket - just think about it, soaking in a bubble bath, sipping on a sparkling drink, surrounded by the warm glow and fragrance of strawberry and vanilla candles and feasting on decadent treats. Hmmm ladies I am about to write my own romance novel. LOL!!!
Well before I get lost in the romance myself, let me tell you how to win our "Pure Romance" basket . (Bear in mind that I can't wrap myself in a good book right now :(, but a good Romantic flick would do the job). Recommend to me a romantic movie (preferably an epic or historic romance), any romantic movie would do. Be creative, think of not only American movies or blockbusters, think of International movies, Indie flicks, TV movies you name it - as long as I can get it on DVD/Blueray ; I am so game. Post your recommendation on the blog with your name. The person who recommends the most romantic movies (content and amount) from today until August 16th would win this decadent basket. I would be watching these movies as I work on my next project so I am really looking forward to your recommendations.
Oh Lord I can't wait, Happy "Romance" Blogging AJPin It Now!